Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Job

Exchange City was a success! I think almost every business was successful and paid off their loan. I am also very proud of The United Way for raising about $100 for the Jimmy Fund.

I am also proud of everyone and their hard-work in the third quarter. Report Cards went home today! Keep it up for the 4th quarter!

Volleyball Game - 6th graders vs Teachers - Wednesday, May 27th
*Practices will be on Thursdays beginning after vacation




Nick Alfred said...

hey Mrs K... great POW blog... I really like the idea... Is it hard to keep up? I feel like I never have time but it would be much better then correcting actual papers that I have to carry back and forth! The math wiki is great too... I teach 7th grade so I think it is great to have all those resources... did you see some of the resources that I posted on the math portion of the class wiki? What math text are you using in Warwick? Keep up the good work! Nick A - from edc921

Mrs. K said...

Nick - We use Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley - Middle School Math. I like it. It makes the students think. Thanks for visiting my site/blog and commenting!