Monday, December 8, 2008

Dana's Part

Why do you think that Roy went to Dana's house and told him that there were cigarettes inside the trailer? What do you think was Dana's part in Roy's plan?


Anonymous said...

1he did that to dictrackt curly
2he was the decoy so now mullet finger s and roy

Anonymous said...

i think roy said that because he wants dana to get in trouble and so nulet fingers can get in

joey said...

i think roy said there were ciggretes in the trailer so curly would think there was two people trying to vamdalise the pancake house when dana went to get the ciggretes. and maybe dana would pounch curly when he yelled at him then he would go to the police station and mullet fingers would blame it on dana. it would also be revange for almost killing roy.

Anonymous said...

i think that he was just to get culry out and go to hte police station to report dana and acuese him of attacking the consturaction site. so then mullet fingers and roy cna ruin hte site.